Travel Along With A Drop Of Milk - From Generous Donor to Baby In Need

Step 1: Milk Donation

A generous donor completes a 4-step screening process.

Step 2: Milk Arrival at NYMB

For those who live nearby, milk can be dropped off at our milk bank. Milk can also be dropped off at a milk depot or shipped overnight to us (at no cost to the donor). Upon arrival, each bag is inspected.

Step 3: Thawing

Donor milk arrives frozen and is gently thawed in our refrigerators before it’s ready to be bottled.

Step 4: Lab Prep

All equipment is washed and sanitized in our commercial dishwashers. Each lab technician carefully scrubs their hands and puts on protective garments.

Step 5: Pooling - Mixing - Pouring

The thawed milk is poured through a strainer into glass flasks. Once pooled, the milk is thoroughly mixed to promote an even distribution of nutritional components. Milk is then poured into bottles and sealed.

Step 6: Pastuerization

Filled bottles are placed into our pasteurizers. Pasteurization is a process that eliminates harmful bacteria while maintaining most of the milk's bioactive properties (the good stuff!) which support the immune systems of our recipient babies.

Step 7: Nutritional Content

Pasteurized milk is analyzed in our Miris Human Milk Analyzer for energy and protein content.

Step 8: Testing for Bacteria

A sample from each batch is sent to a lab to check for bacterial growth. Once cleared, the batch is ready for distribution.

Step 9: Ready for Distribution

Following pasteurization and testing, the bottles are frozen, placed in our inventory, and ready for distribution to hospitals and outpatient families.

Step 10: Consumed by Baby in Need

Our Process_ Step 2
PDHM 2023